How to load Youtube Video?

How to load a Youtube Video?

  1. Import YouTubeVideo and timdelta in the following way
from IPython.display import YouTubeVideo
from datetime import timedelta

2. Write timedelta function to define a certain amount of time


3. Set hours, minutes and seconds parameters to chosen values

(timedelta(hours=0, minutes=0, seconds=10)

4. Count the number of seconds by applying .total_seconds() to previous result

timedelta(hours=0, minutes=0, seconds=10).total_seconds()

5. Turn the amount of seconds into an integer value

int(timedelta(hours=0, minutes=0, seconds=10).total_seconds())

6. Store result in a variable

start=int(timedelta(hours=0, minutes=0, seconds=10).total_seconds())

7. Write YouTubeVideo function

8. The first argument will be the link part that identifies the specific video. Notice all Youtube videos start with and the remaining part is what makes them unique


9. Set start parameter to the variable that represents the chosen amount of seconds to start in step 6

YouTubeVideo('3liCbRZPrZA', start=start)

10. Set autoplay parameter to 1, theme parameter to light and color parameter to red

YouTubeVideo('3liCbRZPrZA', start=start, autoplay=1, theme="light", color="red")


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